"Wild Scotland" is a four-part nature documentary narrated by Ewan McGregor...
"Wild Scotland" is a four-part nature documentary narrated by Ewan McGregor. Filming takes place over the course of a year as the Highlands are captur...
"Wild Scotland" is a four-part nature documentary narrated by Ewan McGregor. Filming takes place over the course of a year as the Highlands are captured during each season. Episodes reveal how the wildlife, animals and local communities adapt to the changing and often unforgiving climate. Episodes take viewers north of the fault line from Arran through to the Cairngorms and out to the magnificent northern seascapes. Spring marks an unpredictable time for the animals in the Cairngorms as Ospreys, red squirrels, dippers, roe deer and bottlenose dolphins struggle against harsh winds to find food for their young.
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