John C. McGinley ("Scrubs") stars in this comedy-horror series as sour, jud...
John C. McGinley ("Scrubs") stars in this comedy-horror series as sour, judgmental sheriff Stan Miller, who is forced to give up his job because of an...
John C. McGinley ("Scrubs") stars in this comedy-horror series as sour, judgmental sheriff Stan Miller, who is forced to give up his job because of an angry outburst at a most inopportune moment -- his wife's funeral. Relinquishing authority doesn't come easily for Stan, especially after he finds out he must make way for Evie Barret, the strong-willed and beautiful new sheriff. However, when both soon realize something is not quite right in their sleepy New Hampshire town -- which just so happens to be built on the site of a massive 17th-century witch burning -- Stan and Evie form an unlikely alliance to bravely battle a plague of spine-chilling demons.
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