"Relentless With Kate Snow" takes viewers on an emotional journey with grie...
"Relentless With Kate Snow" takes viewers on an emotional journey with grieving families as they work tirelessly, often putting their own lives in dan...
"Relentless With Kate Snow" takes viewers on an emotional journey with grieving families as they work tirelessly, often putting their own lives in danger, to find the culprits responsible for the deaths of those they loved most. Their relentless pursuit of justice paired with the opportunity to work alongside law enforcement creates a powerful and dynamic force that won't rest until due process is served. From a mother dedicated to putting her son's killer behind bars after he's gunned down at a recording studio to a 20-year search for a victim's killer that was so aggressive it transformed an unsolved, cold case into an active investigation, the series reveals gripping firsthand accounts from the families who will stop at nothing to get the justice the victims deserve.
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